Med One Blog

Making Patient Safety a Global Reality

Alaris System Global Safety

By Ibby Smith Stofer

During National Patient Safety week this year, Med One Group was working with many U.S. based providers, and we were expanding our international presence to provide medical equipment that aides the clinicians in their mission of patient safety.

In fact, we recently had an opportunity to demonstrate new levels of safety and eliminate potential for medication errors during a recent on-patient evaluation of the Alaris System, a state of the art smart infusion platform, in a facility in the Carribean.

The Alaris System is a modular design, which allows the clinician to customize the infusion needs at the bedside. The smart system includes dose error reduction software called Guardrails, which is simple and intuitive all while preventing medication errors. The system can be configured with up to four modules including a Large Volume Pump, PCA, Syringe, SPO2, and ETCO2 module. The modular design allows the caregiver maximum flexibility without having multiple devices and power cords reducing clutter at the bedside.

Cluttered Infusion System

With the Alaris System, clinicians can easily see the state of infusion for multiple lines at a glance, eliminating the tangle of IV lines and confusion over which drug is being infused. With standardized programming at the point of care, the customizable drug library helps minimize dosing errors providing for greater patient safety.

Med One Group has worked closely with U.S. based healthcare providers for the past 25+ years, and we have expanded our services to the, Caribbean, and other Latin America countries.

The rewards of being able to provide technology that not only affects the patients but also the clinical staff is very satisfying. In addition, our wide range of financial solutions overcomes the lack of financial access at the same time. Recognizing that there are shortages of both technology and financial capabilities, Med One Group is committed to making patient safety a global reality with flexible and affordable acquisition options.

Congrats to all the clinicians that dedicate themselves and their careers to patient safety. We are here to help, no matter where you are. If you are looking to access newer technology to improve patient care in your country, we would love to hear from you.

For more information regarding the Alaris System, our international specialists, Karen Raven and Paula Bowman, RN, can be reached toll free at 800-248-5882 or via email at