Med One Blog

50+ Years Later...My How Things Have Changed

Surgery in operating room

By Ibby Smith Stofer

Over the last 50+ years the world of hospital equipment has changed not only lives but also how medicine is practiced in hospitals and other healthcare settings. Think back to say the 1960s. What were the techy things that you can recall? Well if you were in the hospital environment, it was a time of significant change. Many of the common tools of today were brought to market then.


Ask And You Shall Receive

Question Mark

By Ibby Smith Stofer

There is an old saying that I am sure you know well, ask and you shall receive. I am not talking of divine guidance or prayer, but rather how to ask for help from other people. Asking for help is something we all need but all too often do not seek, or seek in the wrong way. But what if you ask the wrong person, or ask the wrong question, or even worse don’t know how to ask?


Technology: Is It The Future Of Healthcare?

Stethoscope on Tablet

By Ibby Smith Stofer

In the mid 1800s, there was a new technological advancement introduced that was perceived to have little staying power. But alas, it is still in use today at not only doctors’ offices, but by nurses, nurse practioners, and physician assistants. Surely it, like most technology, has undergone many updates and upgrades, but to spite the skepticism, it not only had staying power, it became probably one of the most recognizable devices used in medicine. It is the stethoscope.