Med One Blog

5 Signs It's Time To Upgrade Your Medical Equipment


Advancements in the medical field are constantly being pursued, especially for the technology that professionals use every day. Medical equipment is in constant use to help patients and save lives, but there will come a time when your medical equipment will require upgrades. Knowing when to resupply yourself with better medical tools for your staff is important.


What Hospitals Expect From the Medical Field Post-Pandemic

What Hospitals Expect From the Medical Field Post-Pandemic

Our world has shifted since 2019, and many people are still feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical workers across the globe needed to make fast and effective changes to ensure the safety of patients and themselves in the wake of COVID-19. These changes transformed the standards of medical practices in hospitals everywhere, and the standard procedures now have noticeable differences.


The Advantages of Renting Medical Equipment


The healthcare industry is expensive to sustain and operate. Necessities like imaging, respiratory equipment, and testing devices all come with a hefty price tag. Partnering with medical equipment rental companies can make a significant difference in a facility's ability to operate adequately.


End Of Year Recap - 2022

As we near the end of the year, here at Med One, we like to look back at the year and remember the things that have happened as a company. In our end-of-year video, we highlight company events, our employees throughout the country, and our many distribution offices. We had a great year and are excited to see what 2023 brings! Our commitment to serving our vendors and customers hasn’t changed, and we look forward to another year of helping hospitals and patients around the country.


How Smart Pumps Are Improving Healthcare

How Smart Pumps Are Improving Healthcare

Hospitals and medical care facilities require various types of equipment to operate and assist patients. Equipment such as infusion pumps are essential to patient care and have greatly improved how healthcare workers can treat patients. Here is a detailed look at how smart pumps are improving healthcare.


Syringe Pump Safety Measures You Should Be Practicing


The technology in hospitals requires the proper knowledge to ensure there are no mistakes. These procedures are especially important when operating a syringe pump. Knowing the appropriate safety measures for a syringe pump will potentially save a life, and it's important to uphold the hospital's reputation for future patients.


Infusion Errors: What They Are and How To Fix Them

Infusion Errors: What They Are and How To Fix Them

Numerous procedures go on during a single day at a hospital, and many of these require medication that needs to be administered through an IV. Medical professionals everywhere rely on IVs to deliver medicine and help treat people effectively. However, there are times when accidents occur,—like infusion errors. These errors will need immediate correction to ensure the patient's health remains stable.


Reasons to Finance Your Medical Devices in 2023

Reasons to Finance Your Medical Devices in 2023

The healthcare industry is expensive to sustain and operate. Necessary tools like imaging, respiratory equipment, and testing devices all come with a hefty price tag. Partnering with medical equipment finance companies can make a significant difference in a facility’s ability to sustain and operate adequately. Here, we take a closer look at why financing medical devices is a smart financial decision.


Why IV Administration Sets Are Vital to the Medical Field

Why IV Administration Sets Are Vital to the Medical Field

The medical field benefits from a variety of devices, components, and large equipment which help bridge the gaps between providers and patient care. Invaluable aspects for all medical applications include the IV administration set and corresponding syringe pump. This medication delivery method plays a vital role in optimizing care plans and pharmaceutical delivery. Let’s take a closer look at the overall value of these items to the healthcare industry.


What Are Patient-Controlled Analgesia Pumps?

What Are Patient-Controlled Analgesia Pumps

The medical field relies on the use of various machines and tools to treat patients. These machines include patient-controlled analgesia pumps, or PCA pumps, which assist healthcare workers in supplying people with the help they need. Using these pumps provides multiple benefits that make them reliable in hospitals and clinics everywhere.